PENANG MALAYSIA - March 2019 - ViE Technologies, a 100% owned subsidiary of ViTrox Corporation Berhad is joining the upcoming EtherCAT SEA Seminar Malaysia 2019 as details below:
11th March 2019- Grand Paragon Hotel, Johor Bahru.
13th March 2019- Olive Tree Hotel, Penang.
EtherCAT, or also known as Ethernet for Control Automation Technology, is the Ethernet Fieldbus that offers industry-leading performance, flexibility and cost advantages real-time Industrial Ethernet solution to the users. Organized by EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG), EtherCAT SEA Seminar Malaysia serves as a platform for expert presenters and members to showcase the full overview of Ethernet to users’ application.
As one of the sponsors for this seminar, ViE will be having a sharing session of the success story with ViCAT IO, a wide range, cost-effective standalone IO solutions for various industries. Apart from that, the expert will highlight the common problems encountered, solutions, and the key benefits of ViCAT IO to the visitors.
“I would like to encourage all visitors for not missing out my sharing as I am going to present about the efficiency result with EtherCAT that includes ways we help users to reduce time and cost consumption, and how it connects to V-ONE, our latest industry 4.0 smart solution”, said Avren Ch’ng, the senior engineer of ViE’s Business Development department.
To visit the seminar, visitors are encouraged to register themselves at EtherCAT’s official website. For more information about ViE’s products and services, please visit