PENANG, MALAYSIA - OCTOBER 2022 ViTrox Corporation, aims to be the world’s most trusted technology company is pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting our latest solutions at the Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC (ITAP) from 18th to 20th October 2022 at Singapore EXPO, Hall 2 (Booth #2G13).
ITAP 2022 is set to present current developments that cover the world's sustainable business development for advanced manufacturing. Hence, It is a great platform for ViTrox to introduce a new extension to the V-ONE platform, the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AloT) Cloud. This is a platform where users can utilize an off-the-shelf IoT sensor devices, industry protocols and APIs connected through a gateway to connect to a ready-made cloud data storage for instant monitoring, analytics, training and inferencing of AI/Machine Learning models. It helps to transform the conservative manufacturing processes into a smart and contemporary digital factory.
Apart from V-ONE AIoT, ViTrox will display a series of high-speed and cost-effective Electronics Communication Systems (ECS) for machine automation industries. Product ranges cover cameras, motion-based controllers, IO cards, and light source controllers.
Our field experts are excited and ready to meet you in person during the show for any sales inquiries and in-depth discussions. Reserve your appointment via this link and visit ViTrox's booth (Hall 2, #2F25). We can't wait to see you and attend to all your inquiries!
To discover and understand more, please contact
Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Intelligence Solutions: Mr. Gary Leong (
Electronics Communication Systems: Mr. Avren Ch'ng (